Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

5 years ago today...

God blessed us with the most precious little angel! We are so thankful to God for putting Dannah Alex in our lives. She has taught us so much - which is funny because she is extremely bossy. :) She is an extremely loving, intelligent, and observant child. She has her own way of demonstrating her love. She has an understanding of God that I have not observed in a lot of children - it is completely humbling because I know it is not from anything that I have done but because of Christ!

She loves her 'little' brother so much and looks our for him! Last night Dede was asking her what she wanted for her birthday. She said, "All I want is a bicycle. Why don't you get Jameson a gift and bring it to my party because he has really been wanting something. I think he would like a truck." UNBELIEVABLE!

God has really used Dannah to teach me so much. Her prayers melt my heart! There is so much I can say about this amazing child! I know that as her parent I am supposed to say that, but even if she wasn't mine, I would still feel that way!

Happy Bithday to my sweet 'pumpkin pie'!

birthday cookies to take to school

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Romans 3:23

Tuesday Dannah came running up to me and began reciting her first bible verse she learned at school - hand motions and all! What an awesome memory!
"ALL haved sinned and fall short of the glory of God! Romans 3:23

We are very blessed that God has been moving in Dannah and Jameson's lives at such an early age. Both of them pray with such honesty and openess. There is no right or wrong thing to say. My mom has been really sick and Dannah wanted to send her a voice note on the phone. I thought she was just going to say I love you or something to that effect. When it started recording she started praying. I am not real sure where she first heard it but her prayer is that God will 'touch' whoever she is praying for. Later in the day she talked to Dede and wanted to know if God had touched her! AWESOME! On our way home that day Dannah was feeling car sick and we found out that my sister Jessica broke her nose. Jameson said that he needed to pray for them. "God, thank you for Dannah because she is sick and thank you for Aunt Jessica because she broke her nose."
God knows the hearts of kids; He knows what they are trying to say. And He knows our hearts. There isn't a right or wrong way to pray. God already knows how we feel or what we are thinking about, but He wants us to have a personal relationship with Him. We all do fall short and the penalty for our sins is death. But God loved us so much that He sent His son to die in our place. I love my children with all my heart. I can't imagine sacrificing their life to save someone else! God loved us that much! What an amazing God we serve!
"For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have ever lasting life." John 3:16
(This is the first bible verse I learned. My granddaddy taught it to me on my 5th birthday.)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Things that make me laugh

I love it when Dannah or Jameson says something that just makes me stop and laugh. It's like I can just feel my heart smiling! Jameson is usually the one that is being silly and makes us laugh; however, this week Dannah has really made my heart smile! I just wanted to share some of her wit:

The other day the kids were using hats to catch bouncy balls in the house. Jameson ran into the room and said, "Dannah, I caught two at the same time!" Dannah calmly said, "He is amazing!"

During nap time in Dannah's classroom, they watch a movie. Well, Dannah CANNOT go to sleep with the tv on unless she is exhausted. So, needless to say she hasn't been taking naps. The other day I asked her if she took a nap. She said, "Momma, I couldn't go to sleep. That movie was cracking my head up!"

Dannah and I were leaving the grocery store when we saw a truck pulling a trailer loaded with hay. The hay was on fire. Dannah asked me what caught it on fire. I told her I didn't know but it looked like someone threw a cigarette out the window and caught the hay on fire. Later she said, "Do they call them sickarettes because they make you sick?"

I am so thankful that our heavenly father has a sense of humor and knows when I need a good laugh!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The end of summer means...

My little girl is growing up too fast! I cannot believe that my little girl is about to be 5 and is starting kindergarten! Jameson is also starting school (3K) but it is not the same. All summer Dannah has been excited about starting big girl school and turning 5. The past week it has all gone down the drain - she doesn't even want to talk about it! My mom tried to help out by taking her to get a backpack. Dannah wouldn't even consider it - she isn't going to school or turning 5. Jameson went with me to the school the other day and met his teacher and saw his classroom. He loves it! He wanted to stay and play. Everyday since then he wakes up and asks, "Am I going to school today?" I am so excited for him! I just wish his sister would get excited about this new chapter in her life. Maybe once we get her supplies and uniforms, her feelings about school will change...
Please keep ALL of us in your prayers as we go through this exciting change. (Especially August 9th, their first day of school - crying is inevitable; I will need God to give me the strength to not cry infront of Dannah!)