Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


When Day was born, she was having a little trouble breathing.  They put her in the NICU on oxygen over night to watch her.  When they took her off early Saturday morning, she had an 'episode' and had to be stimulated.  An episode is when she would stop breathing and her heart rate would drop.  (Anytime a baby has an episode and has to be stimulated, they have to stay in NICU 5 days.)  She was admitted to NICU where  they could monitor her around the clock.  I had seen my nephew in NICU with a feeding tube and it was hard.  But when it is your baby laying there on monitors and a feeding tube, it is even harder.  I am so thankful I had my sister to lean on and talk to!

I got to feed her and hold her.  She was doing so good.  We are so thankful for all of our friends and family that were lifting us up in prayer!  I was discharged from the hospital Sunday evening and had to go home without my baby girl.  When I woke up Monday morning, my eyes were swollen from all the crying.  We stayed at the hospital all day with Day and she was moved to a semi-private room called a step-down room.  I was PUMPED!! The room could be closed off and had a tv and recliner SO I could stay up there around the clock.  David got my things and took me out to dinner.  When I got back I learned that Day had another episode and had to be stimulated.  It was so disheartening.  David and our pastor (Bro. Larry) came to the hospital to pray.  God gave us such peace.  It is so hard when the monitors go off for your heart to not sink and start worrying.  I just had to give it to God.  She belonged to Him - He created her and gave her life.  He is the ultimate heart doctor. So every time her monitor would beep, I would just say, "God that is your child, you are in control of her heart and lungs. You are the only one that can 'fix' the problem." 

She had a few great days and then Thursday, May 19th she had another episode.  David and I were extremely frustrated because most of the time the nurses were at the opposite end of the NICU so if something would happen, by the time they got there Day would 'correct' herself.  Well, Thursday night the nurse happen to be outside her room when her monitor went off.  She walked in and touched her - so she was stimulated - another 5 days in NICU.  We were more than ready to take Day home, BUT we knew that if there was something wrong we needed to be at the hospital.  So, we stopped arguing and getting frustrated and gave it to God.  We knew that when He was ready for her to come home completely well, she would.  And that is exactly what she did.  She did not have another episode and got to come home Tuesday, May 24th.

Thanking God for family and friends that pray and for a beautiful and healthy baby girl!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Big sister and big brother

Dannah and Jameson are so proud of their baby sister.  They got to come to the NICU Friday, May 20th when Day was 1 week old and hold her for the first time.  They love on her ALL the time.  It warms my heart to see them care for her.  When she cries, they make up songs to sing to her - she smiles so big at them.  They had such a big part in praying for a healthy baby sister.  Daylynn has the best 'Big sissy' and 'Big brudder' in the world.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Bed rest and delivery

At 34 weeks of pregnancy, I was put on bed rest.  Who knew that laying in bed and doing nothing could be so hard.  I had dilated 1 cm and the doctor was worried I would go into labor before 36 weeks.  On Wednesday,May 11th (36 weeks) I was having contractions so we headed to the hospital.  They kept me over night and the contractions stopped.  My doctor wanted me to come in for a check up Friday to make sure everything was ok.  On the way, I started having contractions again.  I was admitted to the hospital and the contractions stopped.  I was so frustrated - I wanted Daylynn to come when it was her time, but I was hurting.  After the doctor discharged me, he checked me just to make sure.  We were all shocked - I was 3 cm!  It was baby time.  Everyone got to the hospital in time for Daylynn's birth!  Friday, May 13, 2011 at 7:56 pm 7 pounds 4 ounces 19 1/2 inches long

Thursday, May 5, 2011


It is hard to believe that our 'little' girl graduated from kindergarten- time has flown by.  Tri County had graduation and the K5 play on the same night.  Dannah dressed up as Cat in the Hat for the play-she did great!  What a wonderful job everyone did!  It was the cutest thing ever.  We are so proud of our graduate!