This summer has been a growing time for me. God has really opened the eyes of my heart and I am so thankful. He has shown me that He is in control. Matthew 6:33 says 'seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you.' It cannot get any clearer than that! The purpose of God's word is not to confuse us. Confusion is what Satan tries and often succeeds in doing. As a child of God, I am supposed to seek Him in everything that I do - how I spend the day, how I speak, what I listen to, what I spend money on, how I treat the relationships I have- after all, all that I have is God's so why would I not use it in a way that is pleasing to Him! It makes sense!
The past 4 Wednesday nights we have studied Sharing God Without Fear. It has shown me how to share God's wonderful love and eternal gift of life in a loving non-offensive way. God's commandment to His children is to go out and share the good news. Because God has delivered me from numerous situations and blessed me in countless ways, why would I not share? This study has also taught me about my relationship with God and how lazy I have been. One question from the study is 'if you were to die today, where would you spend eternity?' That is stout! That is the rest of my life! I don't know what tomorrow will bring but the Bible is clear -at some point I will die (Romans 3:23, 6:23). It is inevitable. Because of my sin, the only way that I can spend eternity in heaven is through Jesus - He paid my way (John 14:6). I am thankful for the conviction of the Holy Spirit, the death, burial, and resurection of Jesus Christ, and the grace and mercy of God that I am a blood bought born again believer. I will spend eternity in heaven (John 3:3). I made the commitment to live my life as a follower of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:15). I love Jesus Christ - my Lord and Savior. This is where God has been working on me...
LOVE is an action word - when I say that I love someone, the only way for them to know it is by my actions. Because I love my family, I talk to them, listen to them, do what they ask, and so on. The only way for someone to know what I proclaim to be in my heart is by my actions. Also, when I commit myself to someone, such as my husband or children, it is a daily commitment. It is not something I turn on or off when I feel like it. Otherwise, the commitment would be broken.
It is impossible for me to understand God's love and mercy because I am human. I am not perfect and never will be. But even with all my faults God loves me! And because I love Him, my actions should reflect that love. Because I committed my life to Christ, I should commit myself daily-not just Sunday and Wednesday or when I feel like it. If I treated my earthly relationships like I treat my relationship with God, I would not have anyone! Thankfully, God's love and forgiveness is greater than any human's. All I have to do is accept it (Revelation 3:20)!
God, thank you for the gift of eternal life! Thank you for your Son and the Holy Spirit. Thank you for my family and friends. Thank you for your UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! I love you!